Autumn is now upon us and before we know it winter will be here! Part of me hopes I tempt fate by writing this article. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could have a few more weeks of gorgeous weather like we had this summer? It’s doubtful though, as in reality, we are halfway through October and the nights are drawing in. Soon we will be changing the clocks and it will be dark by teatime!
In need of a helping hand?
If you feel that you are in need of a helping hand to keep you healthy through the winter then acupuncture treatments with Gabriella Kispal, clinical director of Chichester Natural Health Centre, or her colleague Georgina Wise, could be the answer. Gabriella and Georgina (Georgie) have used acupuncture for many years to help people cope with the winter blues, by boosting health and wellbeing during the dark and cold months.
Beat the winter blues
The damp, dark days often bring aches and pains, coughs and colds. The lack of daylight hours may also lead to lethargy, mood swings and disturbed sleep patterns. Acupuncture treatments can help you regain energy and help shake off those miserable winter ailments.
Gabriella Kispal – Clinic Director
“We don’t treat symptoms in isolation as they are all inter-related. We work on restoring the body’s natural healing mechanisms by inserting fine needles into specific points in the body, to rebalance the flow of energy, known as Qi, through the body. At the clinic, we treat our clients as friends, there’s time to listen and each treatment is tailored to suit individual needs. Treatments also include personal and practical lifestyle advice.”

Acupuncture to help with insomnia and stress
Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years but over the last four decades, it has been widely used in the west. Indeed, there is now such a wealth of scientific evidence to show its efficiency and safety that doctors are recommending treatments for a wide range of conditions.
Gabriella and Georgie are both registered members of the British Acupuncture Council. Acupuncture appointments are available Monday through to Friday at the clinic, from 7.30am on selected days. We also offer early evening appointments to help those who work or have other commitments during the day.
If you are interested in booking in or would like to find out more, there is always a warm welcome for you at Chichester Natural Health Centre, our reception is covered six days a week, telephone 01243 786946.
Chichester Natural Health Centre,
5, City Business Centre,
Basin Road,
West Sussex
PO19 8DU